RCCAC Club Members
and Forms

Official RCCAC Club Logo
>>> Member Club Forms, Car Show Forms, Membership, Newsletters and Minutes.

RCCAC yearly membership includes giving back to the local community, showing off your classic cars, monthly messaging, a newsletter/email updates and Facebook page to keep the membership informed of monthly activities and events, name badges and sharing with all the members.

There are MONTHLY planned activities such as Show 'n Shines, movies at Sawmill Theatre and gatherings at local restaurants and museums. Some of the ANNUAL events include The Beeline Cruise-In Car Show, Valentine's Day Lunch, St. Patrick's Day Lunch, Fall BBQ, Vets to Lunch (Veterans Day) and Holiday Party Lunch.

Some of the RCCAC men meet for breakfast weekly at Early Bird Cafe to share about their car stories. Also, RCCAC men are meeting daily and some of the RCCAC women
meet weekly to chat and laugh.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A MEMBER of the Rim Country Classic Auto Club you can download and print the Membership Application Form (link below) with the fee and mail it (P. O. Box 2853, Payson, AZ 85547)
bring it with you to the first Wednesday of the month meeting at 6:30pm at Tiny's Restaurant, 600 E Hwy 260, Payson, AZ - meetings are held in the back meeting room (SW Corner.)
Our general meetings are open to the public and we invite all guests
and prospective members whether you own a classic vehicle or not.

Submit completed APPLICATION FORM with $25.00 for individual yearly membership or $35.00 for a couple.


RCCAC Club Forms & Car Show Forms

2025 Charity Nomination Form 

Expense Reimbursement Form 

Car Show Objective

Conflict of Interest Policy

RCCAC By-Laws 2024 

FINANCIAL REPORT – The Rim Country Classic Auto Club, as a non-profit Corporation of the State of Arizona files a FINANCIAL STATEMENT with the Arizona Corporate Commission every year. This information is public.

Beeline Cruise-In LOGO is trademarked in Arizona

BEELINE CRUISE-IN LOGO Trademarked in Arizona  – – –  Page Last Updated 01-19-2025 – – – Webmaster, Deb Schwalm